Metallic Breath – Get the Metal Out of Your Mouth!

The bacteria which cause metallic breath and sour tastes are anaerobic sulfur-producing. Those people who experience post nasal drip, sinus problems etc., are consequently more prone to metallic breath and awful tastes since these microorganisms will begin to take out sulfur compounds from the amino acids that make up the proteins in mucus and phlegm.

The back of the tongue is a favored spot for anaerobic bacteria, and the sulfur they produce is a direct cause of bad breath. The senses of smell and taste neurologically have two separate physical centers in the brain, where detailed electrical impulses are received.

They happen, however, to be next-door neighbors. Pharmaceutical companies became conscious early on that it could be extremely easy to “trick” people by making strong flavors in oral rinses, which would then be “sensed” by the brain as if the user’s breath was fresh.

Metallic smelling bad breath is a rare symptom. It should be noted that people who claim to have metallic smelling bad breath may only describe the condition as such because their sense of smell is a little off, due to viral infection or some other cause. This issue has many causes, including stomach problems such as heartburn, jaundice, metal and other types of poisoning.

Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is another major cause of metallic or bitter tastes in the mouth. Common causes of xerostomia are aging, insufficient fluid intake, using alcohol based mouth rinses, and numerous medications.

Some less common causes are radiation treatment to the head and neck areas, patients suffering from Sjogrens syndrome, diabetes and other autoimmune disorders.

Personally and socially, bad breath has a major impact on those who suffer from it or think they do, and is estimated to be the third most frequent reason for seeking dental aid, following tooth decay and periodontal disease.

A metallic taste in the mouth is considered a poor indicator of bad breath – the simplest and most effective way to know if you have halitosis is to ask a trusted friend or family member.

You can get rid of metallic breath by practicing good oral hygiene – once you keep your mouth clean you will prevent cavities, gingivitis, periodontis, and other dental disorders.

Oral hygiene consists of both personal and professional care. Personal care involves frequent and careful brushing with a toothbrush and the use of flossing to help prevent buildup of plaque bacteria on the teeth.